
侧梁压滤机 are one style of recessed/membrane plate 压滤机es used to dewater and separate liquids and solids in which the filter plates are mounted from beams located on each side of the filter plates.


脱水 occurs when slurry material is pumped into the cavities created between the filter plates when they are hydraulically clamped together. 脱水后的滤饼堆积在滤板之间, while the filtrate water passes through the filter cloths mounted on the plate surfaces. 

The filter plates are mounted from beams located on each side of the filter plates. Filter cakes discharge from the press by gravity when the filter plates are separated. 这种压力机风格重量较轻,并在需要时提供便携性. 

侧梁压滤机 are used in a wide range of dewatering applications in many industries. The side beam style filter presses can hold a variety of plate sizes and plate counts as needed to meet the customer’s processing needs. The side beam style press is well suited for dewatering material that is more easily dewatered and applications where customers have lower throughput rate requirement. The simple 设计 of the side beam makes them well suited for portable application. Permanent and portable mounted 侧梁压滤机 can be fully automated for continuous operations without full-time operator monitoring.

侧梁压滤机 typically are used in applications where lower volumes of materials are being processed. Small to medium side plate sizes and a wide range of plate counts can be used to meet the customer's processing needs.


The 侧梁压滤机 uses the same basic technology as any other filter plate press to dewater slurry material and recover reusable filtrate water. The filter plates are suspended from side beams on each side of the filter press. 液压缸, heavy-duty end plates and side rods are used to clamp the plates together while a slurry feed pump forces the slurry between the plates, 浆液固体积聚在哪里. The filtrate water passes through filter cloths mounted on the plate surfaces. The plates are automatically opened one by one after the plate stack has been hydraulically unclamped. 滤板的底部是完全开放的,没有阻塞, 防止任何干扰饼卸料. Filter cakes discharge from the press by gravity when the filter plates are separated. 

Automated cloth cleaning systems can be mounted on top of the side beam press to efficiently wash to cloths. Cloth changes are also accomplished in the unobstructed area above the filter press.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 压滤机es are 设计ed to generate easy-to-manage dry products or waste material. The 压滤机 also provides the ability to optimize the recovery of clean, reusable water. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 压滤机es can address many typical issues associated with fine material processing, 包括全浆池/坝, 物料搬运设备维修费用高, 扩展能力有限, 环境许可证限制, 高废物处理成本和有限的水供应.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 压滤机es are used by many 24/7 operations that rely on the machine's performance and 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全's excellent support to keep their plants running and profitable.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 压滤机es are engineered using a single hydraulic cylinder. This results in robust and reliable automation capabilities with lower horsepower, 比多缸设计更少的控制阀和更少的复杂性. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的侧梁压滤机重量更轻, 低成本, 更便携的设计相比 头顶的梁 设计.

不像 传统的板框印刷机, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s 压滤机 line features modern recessed plates or membrane plates, both of which create a chamber for dewatering the slurry without trapping the cakes within the frames. This allows the dewatered cakes to discharge more easily than with 传统的板框印刷机.

由于渗透率和表面积的可变性, each site’s material should be tested prior to sizing a 压滤机 for a specific customer application. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 offers experienced lab and on-site pilot testing with a wide range of testing capabilities. Other parameters are used for green field sites when testing isn’t possible.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s Customer 服务 Team offers a wide range of fast spare parts sourcing as well as routine and emergency maintenance service support. All 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 压滤机es can have customer remote control access capability for efficient monitoring and troubleshooting.



侧梁压滤机提供快速开启系统, 一个易于实施的摇板系统和较短的高度为小型, 便携式应用程序. 侧梁压滤机 allow for faster low-pressure wash systems used commonly in mineral concentrate applications.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 侧梁压滤机 are well suited for applications with material that is more easily dewatered and where customers have lower throughput rate requirement.

特性 & 好处
  • Offers a 低成本 alternative while still incorporating some of the same advantages of the larger 头顶的梁 style
  • Single or double hydraulic ram provides quick, precise mobile plate opening
  • Allen Bradley or Siemens Control System with remote assistance via an ethernet connection
  • 高速卸饼系统成组开板
  • 摇盘系统有助于释放蛋糕
  • 安全拉绳或光帘有助于保护操作人员
  • Available with high-pressure shower or one-by-one high-pressure wash systems
  • More suitable for 便携式应用程序 with lower travel height than the 头顶的梁 style
  • 可在板尺寸从630毫米到1500毫米


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